1908 Society Terms & Conditions

                                    The Society of 1908 Golf Clubs (formed 2002)

                          President: Martin Bayley         (Leamington & County Golf Club -Tel No. 01926 425961)

                                                                            (e-mail martinbayley@sky.com)

                          Hon.Secretary: Roger Harris    (Ladbrook Park Golf Club - Tel No 01564 742264)

                                                                            (e-mail rogerharrisb95@tiscali.co.uk)

Terms and Conditions of the Society

The Society was formed to provide an opportunity for Golf Clubs founded in 1908 to become Members and thereafter enjoy the facilities and courtesy of each other's golf courses.

Membership will be granted to any such Golf Club on the payment of an initial subscription of £40.00.

It has been agreed that where courtesy is given it should generally be for up to 4 players at a time and subject to the visitors calling in advance to arrange a date and tee time.

Where Society Clubs are within 50 miles of one another it is suggested, in order to obviate the possibility of abuse of the facility that a charge of 50% of the normal green fee be made.

Clubs may however mutually agree to vary these conditions, if they so wish, to either allow for up to 8 visitors to play at any one time, or to provide a courtesy if the Clubs are within 50 miles of each other. Where more than 8 visitors wish to play it is suggested that those in excess of 8 pay a 50% green fee.

Penn Golf Club will offer the agreed courtesy but with play being restricted to weekdays only.

Vale of Llangollen and Ripon golf clubs wish to charge a green fee for all visitors because of the excessive demand to play their courses.

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